Another House Check Up For This Summer Of 2022 In Central Oregon

This summer in Central Oregon has proven to be an almost house melting one!!

Talking about that… we want to use this post as an opportunity to share with you another recommendation we consider important for your home in this summer of 2022 in Central Oregon.

With this current heat, we really advise you to check the conditions of your roof. This is one aspect of the house that gets the most impact during these scorching months.

Make sure that there aren’t any cracks or peeling from the shingles and the unions of the walls and roof. If you notice that there are, try to fix them up as soon as you can. It will become a big factor once fall and winter stop by since the snow can seep through the cracks.

So that’s one of our recommendations with have here in JGC, make sure to have your house in ideal conditions today so that you don’t have to invest into a bigger project down the road.

Until next time


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